Browsing by Subject Code > Subject Code Unknown

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Showing results 533 to 552 of 1876 < previous   next >
Subject CodeSubject TitleAcademic YearTermExamination Session
Subject Code UnknownChemistry Analytical Techniques; Industrial Chemistry (Polymer); Analytical Chemistry; Industrial Chemistry (Detergents); Electroplating Process Control1991 / 1992First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChemistry Analytical Techniques; Legal Aspects; Metallurgy; Physical Chemistry; Food Processing; Organic Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Nutrition; Biology of Animal Groups1986 / 1987First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChemistry Laboratory Technician; Combined Science in Laboratory Techniques; Testing Methods1977 / 1978First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChemistry Techniques; Chemical Techniques and Laboratory Organisation; Applied Electronics; Combined Science Laboratory Techniques1980 / 1981First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChemistry Techniques; Laboratory Servicing Techniques; Chemistry Techniques and Laboratory Organisation1976 / 1977First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChemistry Textile Testing; Dyehouse Management1994 / 1995First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChemistry; Biochemistry and Mammalian Physiology1979 / 1980First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChemistry; Chemical Plants; Economics and Marketing; Applied Physics; Industrial Chemistry (Polymers)1991 / 1992First/SecondRe-examination
Subject Code UnknownChemistry; Medical Laboratory Science; Physiology1980 / 1981First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChemistry; Medical Microbiology1986 / 1987First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChild care; Pre-primary Care and Education1992 / 1993First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChild Development and Behavior; Administration and Management of Child Care Centres; Elderly Care Services in Hong Kong; Assessment, Activity Planning and Behavior Management1989 / 1990First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChild Development and Behavior; Administration and Management of Child Care Centres; Understanding Society; Human Behavior1990 / 1991First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChild Development and Behaviour; Administration and Management of Child Care Centres; Care for the Mentally Handicapped and Mentally - Skills and Methods; Care for the Mentally Handicapped and Mentally - Care and Supportive Work1991 / 1992First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChild Growth and Development; Assessment, Planning and Behaviour Management; Hong Kong Society; Community Work1982 / 1983First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChild Growth and Development; Hong Kong Society; Community Services1982 / 1983First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChild Growth and Development; Hong Kong Society; Community Services; Economics; Child Welfare1984 / 1985First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChild Growth and Development; Hong Kong Society; Community Work; Economics1983 / 1984First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChinese1983 / 1984First/SecondExamination
Subject Code UnknownChinese; Accounting; Economics1980 / 1981First/SecondExamination