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Showing results 42312 to 42331 of 42474 < previous   next >
Subject CodeSubject TitleAcademic YearTermExamination Session
GEC228中國傳統之詮釋2000 / 2001SecondExamination
GEC228中國傳統之詮釋: 哲理與應用的問題1999 / 2000First; SecondExamination
GEC235中國四大古典小說欣賞2000 / 2001First; SecondExamination
GEC235中國四大古典小說欣賞1999 / 2000SecondExamination
GEC232中國文化導論2000 / 2001First; SecondExamination
GEC232中國文化導論1999 / 2000SecondRe-examination
GEC232中國文化導論1999 / 2000First; SecondExamination
GEC240中國文化與社會1999 / 2000First; SecondExamination
GEC240中國文化與社會1999 / 2000SecondRe-examination
GEC240中國文化與社會2000 / 2001FirstExamination
GEC229中國智慧之道2000 / 2001First; SecondExamination
GEC229中國智慧之道2000 / 2001SecondRe-examination
GEC229中國智慧之道1999 / 2000First; SecondExamination
GEC217中國近現代史1999 / 2000SecondRe-examination
GEC217中國近現代史2000 / 2001Second; FirstExamination
GEC217中國近現代史1999 / 2000Second; FirstExamination
GEC217中國近現代史1998 / 1999Second; FirstExamination
GEC217中國近現代史1998 / 1999SecondRe-examination
GEC213中國音樂欣賞2000 / 2001SecondRe-examination
GEC213中國音樂欣賞2000 / 2001SecondExamination