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DC FieldValueLanguage
Programme & Dept:11439 / BSc(Hons) in Engineering Physics / AP
Programme & Dept:11443 / BSc(Hons) in Physics with a Secondary Major in AI and Data Analytics / AP
Programme & Dept:12447 / BSc(Hons) in Chemical Technology / ABCT
Programme & Dept:12451 / BSc(Hons) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology / ABCT
Programme & Dept:15454 / BSc(Hons) in Food Safety and Technology / FSN
Programme & Dept:43499 / BEng(Hons) Scheme in Mechanical Engineering / ME
Programme & Dept:45498 / BEng(Hons) Scheme in Product and Industrial Engineering / ISE
Programme & Dept:46401 / BEng(Hons) Scheme in Electrical Engineering (SY) / EEE
Programme & Dept:46402 / BEng(Hons) Scheme in Electronic and Information Engineering (SY) / EEE
Programme & Dept:46408 / BEng(Hons) Scheme in Electrical Engineering / EEE
Programme & Dept:47401 / BSc(Hons) in Biomedical Engineering / BME
Programme & Dept:48403 / BEng(Hons) Scheme in Aviation Engineering / AAE
Subject Code:AP10005en_US
Title:Physics Ien_US
Examination Session:Examinationen_US
dcterms.isPartOfPolyU Examination Paper Databaseen_US
Academic Year:2023 / 2024en_US

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